International Bat Appreciation Day, 17 April



Every year, on 17 April, we celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day, an initiative that highlights the vital importance of these fascinating creatures in our ecosystem. Established by the Bat Conservation International (BCI, founded in 1982, based in Texas, Austin), the day is an opportunity to raise public awareness of the crucial contribution bats make to our environment.

April is also the best time of the year to observe bats, as they are now beginning to emerge from hibernation.

Bats play an indispensable role in maintaining the natural balance, helping to regulate pest populations and thus reducing the need to use harmful pesticides. In addition, as pollinators and seed propagators, bats play an active role in plant reproduction and the preservation of biodiversity. Unfortunately, despite their ecological importance, bats face many threats, including deforestation, mining, and irresponsible tourism. These activities destroy their habitats and disrupt their life cycles, putting many species at risk worldwide.

More than 1,400 species of bat have been identified worldwide, including 34 in France. To ensure their survival, strict legal measures have been put in place in many countries. In France, for example, all bat species have been strictly protected since French Law n. 76-629 of 10 July 1976 on the protection of nature. This law prohibits not only the destruction of bats and their habitats, but also any form of disturbance, transport or marketing of protected species. Offenders face stiff fines of up to several thousand euros, and even prison sentences for repeat offences.

In Great Britain, similar laws have been passed in favour of wildlife and the countryside (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981). All bat species, as well as their breeding and resting sites, are strictly protected. It is illegal to kill, injure or disturb bats, or to obstruct or destroy their roosts, even if the bats are not present at the time. Offenders risk substantial fines.

All in all, International Bat Appreciation Day underlines their crucial role in the ecosystem and the importance of strengthening legislation to ensure their protection.




Trainee at LARROQUE law firm

Student in Master II International, European and Comparative Law at Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne


Our firm is committed to protecting the environment.


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