
All European citizens are free to come to the UK with a valid passport, for a maximum period of six (6) months.

Coming as a tourist

This means that you will not be able to come to work, claim benefits or accumulate several six-month stays. If you are coming to get married, this is a different visa.

If you are under 18, you will need a letter from your parents stating the family relationship and the place of stay.


The British customs officer may ask you if you are a tourist, the name of your hotel or place of stay, to see your return ticket and your intention to leave.

If you are refused entry to the UK, you must apply for a standard visitor's visa.


Standard visitor visa

To visit friends or family, volunteer for a charity or take an exam.

This costs £100 and you need to apply for the visa online several weeks before coming.


Coming to get married

For a wedding or partnership, with no intention of staying in England, you must apply online for a wedding visa at least 3 (three) months before the special day.

You must make an appointment with the visa centre, which will hold your passport while the application is processed.

In addition to your passport, you will need to provide your fingerprints and photograph and prove that you have paid for the ceremony in England.

The cost of the visa is £100 (one hundred) plus the visa centre fees.

Agencies can apply Please add some more weeks before an appointment and receiving the visa.


Rules can be different for Scotland and Northern Ireland.   

Laws are regularly updated. Please check with your own Consulate before leaving


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