The Assemblée des Français de l'Étranger (AFE) is offering a Sustainable Development (SD) Prize of between €1,000 and €5,000.


Candidates must propose projects that make a significant contribution to sustainable development. The aim is to promote human rights in the broadest sense (in particular political rights, the right to work, to housing, to education, to cultural expression, to the family, to physical integrity, etc.) and sustainable development.


Applications will be assessed primarily based on:

- the economic dimension: profitability of the project, realism and sustainability, enabling stable action over the long term,

- the social dimension: the project contributes to the well-being and/or development of society by including populations that are generally excluded or under-represented

- the environmental/ecological dimension: contribution to improving or restoring the quality of the environment in an exclusive way.

Consequently, priority is given to:

- projects aimed at concrete ideas

- new projects (job creators),

- innovative projects (pilot projects),

- creative projects as opposed to consumer projects,

- collective projects,

- projects from the voluntary sector and the social economy.

Applications must be received by midnight (Paris time) on Tuesday 12 September 2023.

Get out your tablets and Excel spreadsheets!



Ill. The Moneylender and his Wife, 1514, Metsys, Louvre Museum, RMN Musees Nationaux


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