Traders affected by the riots in France: Exceptional Financial Assistance (AFE) before 31 August


Self-employed people whose businesses have been damaged during the riots can benefit from exceptional financial assistance (AFE) of up to €6,000.

You must:

1. file a complaint with the police,

2. report the loss to your insurer; the time limit has been extended from 5 to 30 days,

3. complete a special form


4. make a declaration on your honour and attach any supporting documents about your difficulties,

5. submit the file to the Urssaf office in your place of business, which will forward it to the CPTSI.

The CPTSI's decision is final and cannot be contested.

The application must be made no later than Thursday 31 August 2023.



In the event of cash-flow difficulties, you can apply to Urssaf for Assistance for Contributors in Difficulty (ACED).

The form is available here:


which allows personal social security contributions to be paid in full or in part.

You must:

- have been affiliated as a self-employed person for more than one year,

- have paid personal social security contributions.


We are here to help you at this difficult time. Our experts are on hand to help you through the process and optimise your financial situation. Contact us.



Image @Selcuk1 - Ministry of the Economy website


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