
Since 1 January 2021, you need a visa if you are staying for more than six months to study or work in England.

There are long-term and short-term visas.


1.            Skilled worker visa for five (5) years


Your employer is recognised by the Home Office, you speak good English with a certificate, and your salary will be £26,200 a year, or £10.75 an hour, or according to a minimum salary scale, ranging from company chairman to fisherman, engineer, journalist or conference organiser.

If you change jobs, you will need to update your visa. You cannot receive benefits.

You can extend your visa. Visa fees range from £625 to £1,423.


2.            Skilled worker visa - health sector

Doctors, nurses, health professionals and social workers with a certificate of sponsorship from the NHS or a medical association, a certificate proving their level of English and a minimum salary of £20,960 per year can work in England. Further Covid crisis, Health sector was in serious need of talents.

Visa fees range from £536 to £1,476 and it takes two months to obtain a visa, which is renewable subject to conditions.


3.            Global Talent visa:


You must be 18 years old, and be a researcher, teacher, working in the arts and media, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security; or be a Nobel Prize winner, or winner of the L'Oréal-Unesco prize.

The visa is for 5 (five) renewable years. It costs £623.


4.            Three-year "Innovator" visa, renewable subject to conditions

If you are over 18, if your activity is innovative in England, or if an "Innovator" organisation needs you, you must have at least £1,270 in your bank account every month and be fluent in English.

The "Innovator" organisations are Envestors Limited, UK Endorsing Services (UKES offers information sessions every Monday), Innovator International, the Global Entrepreneurs Programme (GEP, a professional network for relocating your business to the UK).

The visa fee is £1,036 per family member.

5.            Student visa

If you have the agreement of an English establishment, have the means to live, read, speak and write English, you should apply for a visa 6 to 3 months in advance.

For students in English schools aged 16 to 17, you need parental consent and apply for a child student visa, valid for two (2) years.

For students aged 17: the visa is valid for five (5) years.

Each situation is different, in Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales; the above information is a general guide.

Please check with the French Consulate in London before you leave.


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