French expatriates - Call for projects - STAFE grants


STAFE (Soutien au Tissu Associatif des Français à l'Etranger) is a subsidy scheme run by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The aim is to promote projects run by French associations abroad, in the educational, charitable, cultural or socio-economic integration fields. 

STAFE projects are complementary to, but distinct from, existing aid programmes for French nationals run by our embassies and consulates. 

Particular attention is paid to association projects benefiting entrepreneurs or self-entrepreneurs, projects aimed at raising awareness in the French community of ecology and climate risks on the one hand, and gender equality and women's rights on the other, and projects with social criteria.

2024 is also the year in which the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in France. Projects promoting the practice of sport are encouraged.

The 2024 campaign is open: the STAFE grant award committee will meet in March 2024.

Grant application forms can be obtained from the embassy or consulate by 20 October 2023 at the latest by those responsible for associations abroad. The deadline for submitting applications is Friday 27 October 2023.


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